What's Happening

Ponderosa Baptist Church Return to In-Person Services


Of First Importance:

Please do not enter the building if: 1. You have had symptoms of Covid-19, including elevated temperature, coughing, shortness of breath or sneezing. 2.You have been exposed to someone who has Covid-19. 3. You have a higher risk for severe illness (i.e. preexisting health conditions).


Mask are no longer required.  Please feel free to wear masks if you need to.  Masks will be available at the entrances before you enter.

Sanitizing Hands:

Everyone is encouraged to use hand sanitizer when they enter and exit the building for your protection and the protection of others.

Social Distancing:

Please seek to maintain the 6 feet Social Distancing recommendation as much as possible, both outside waiting to enter and after building entry. Please feel free to seat yourselves keeping distance in mind. Greeters will meet you at each door and give you a bulletin.


Did You Know!


Evening Buffet 6PM on the 1st Tuesday of every month is back, FOOD!  On the first Tuesday of the month PBC has a "pot-luck" meal for meet and greet, fellowship activities.  Everyone is invited and it is a great way to meet members of our fellowship and get a feel for the love of Christ shared.  The food is absolutely delicious and there is always plenty, you can even get seconds and thirds.  Don't forget to leave room for the desserts.  NO JOKE!  Ponderosa Baptist Church is so blessed with amazing cooks, "Master Chef" qualities here.  Couple that with the Holy Spirit present warming our hearts and souls, why not give us a visit?

Following this warming, gracious get together with food, warm serving hearts we meet and discuss the ongoing missions, projects and outreach ministries our fellowship participates in.  It is basically our "business" meeting led by our Pastor Brother Norman Cotton.  Bar none, this is a great way for anyone looking for a church, interested in a church home, or even returning "home" to PBC to see and experience "what's happening."


Remodeled Worship Sanctuary:   Our church will be worshipping with a new and improved audio visual experience!  Yes indeed!  Even new lighting!  Our members have been hard at work with their God given talents and updated our worship experience with new big television monitors, speaker systems; and you may even notice our new "sound booth" managing it all.  Please come and check it out!  Did I mention the MUSIC???  We have the most talented piano players in the state of Kentucky!  Mrs Holly Fuller and Mrs. Myra Sutton.  Myra also gives lessons.

Outside Area Refreshed:  Our prayer trails, gardens and even the pond is now stocked with catfish and bass!!!  Lookout Childrens' Ministy; I see a fish fry in the future!

Mission Monday Sewing Activities / OUR NEW BUILDING:  We have our new building that has been a work in progress over the past couple of years.  COVID slowed the progress down a great bit - but as we can see the building is taking shape.  We have HVAC going in anyday now, waiting on the concrete pads to be poured.  When this gets done, the focus will be to dry wall the inside and then we are off to the races.  We will have plenty of room for all kinds of activities to spread things out and enjoy even more fellowship.

Gospel to Every Home:  We visited over 1000 homes and really learned a great deal about those that live very close to our church.  Shocker - the vast majority of people around us are in the retirement years.  Many are weekenders and come out to enjoy the fishing, and country peace that only this area can provide.  Most everyone is very open to discuss our Jesus; and many have not returned to church because of the COVID experience.  There is a genuine fear of being in close with other people; basically breathing around one-another.  Let us all be in prayer as our believers deal with the challenges of today's world.  The fears, the threats, the voilence and the unknowns.  We pray our church can offer a place of peace, love and joy to all who enter the house of the Lord.  

There are plenty "Happenings" ongoing at Ponderosa Baptist Church:  So many that it is hard for us to keep up with this page.  So please, if you have any input or questions about anything at all.  Contact me, Dan Kostrzebski at my email:  dkostrzebski0001@att.net.  Thanks be to God Almighty!


If my people who are called by My name will ,humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive there sins and heal their land.II Chronicles 7:14

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